Welcome to sweetbread.io

Built For a Better Financial Future

Earn 8% PA yield compounding on account balance.

Our yield product refers to a financial instrument that generates income for the user. The key concept behind compounding is that the returns or profits are reinvested rather than withdrawn, allowing for exponential growth and the potential to multiply wealth over time.

Instant and free transactions between users.

Transactions refers to a type of financial transaction that is executed quickly and without any associated fees or charges.

Sweetbread Treasury that holds user funds is FDIC insured.

FDIC stands for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, an independent agency of the United States government. FDIC insurance is a protection offered to depositors in U.S. banks and savings associations. It provides a level of security for depositors in case a bank fails or becomes insolvent.

Withdraw Fiat (Cash) to Bitcoin anytime. This feature is globally interoperable.

A fiat-to-bitcoin transaction involves the process of converting fiat (cash) currency, into Bitcoin, which is a decentralized digital cryptocurrency. This process allows individuals or entities to exchange their fiat currency for Bitcoin, enabling them to participate in the new digital asset class. Interoperability promotes seamless integration, collaboration between different systems, ultimately enhancing efficiency, productivity, and user freedom.


Imagine dipping your toes into the world of Bitcoin without the risk of losing your hard-earned money. With sweetbread.io, you can get a feel for what it's like to own Bitcoin without the anxiety of its value going up or down in relation to your cash deposit. Think of it as a safe sandbox where you can explore and learn without any financial risks!

Powered by blockchain.
Secured by bitcoin.
1:1 Proof of Funds.

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